Monday, September 12, 2011

12 things

So I decided to post 12 things of whatever, simply because today is the twelfth, I was born on the twelfth and to let you guys know me better. Anyways, On with the show!

12 things. . . . .

. . . that irritate me:
1. shampoo foam turning pink after dying my hair red.
2. rudeness
3. my period
4. chipped nail polish
5. my fat.
6. bugs
7. messiness
8. my deliberate lack of sleep
9. misplaced superiority
10. taunting
11. my brother
12. clothing lines that make their clothes a size smaller than normal adult clothes.

. . . . that I love
1. nail polish
2. music
3. fashion
4. photography
5. sleep
6. pancakes and waffles
7. asian food
8. earrings
9. makeup
10. reading
11. traveling
12. night time

. . . that I hate
1. bugs
2. clowns
3. airplane air
4. aquafina water
5. old school manga
6. math
7. blue cheese
8. overpowering scents
10. summer heat
11. stereotypes
12. unsanitary things

. . . . that are weird about me
1. I have a habit of playing with the ends of my hair. 
2. I have a weird obsession with nailpolish
3. I'm a halfie of a tomboy and a girly girl, but I'm totally a girl when I'm alone. 
4. I have a nervous habit of running my hand through my hair. 
5. I hate the sound of running my nails down this certain type of pages in books. The sound just puts me off so much! 
6. I happen to like black and multi colours on my clothes. 
7. I only drink certain kinds of water. 
8. I adore eating Escargot. 
9. I have a love hate relationship with travelling. 
10. I space off, thinking about my story characters and what they would do in my situation
11. I'm an idiot. 
12. I'm a total geek. I love Doctor Who and Torchwood.

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