The story of my life, quite literally. It's mostly a journal, documenting my constantly changing interests and the growth I go through over the years.
Monday, November 21, 2011
[Project 365] Day 20: Sing Your Heart Out
I was practicing for my music project today. I chose my voice as my instrument. I wouldn't say that I'm an amazing singer, but I'm decent. It's enough to help me pass music. I love singing and this was one of my dreams when I was young. I wanted to be famous and be a singer, making a living off what I loved to do. That's the dream of everyone in the world, to do a job that they love. However, that doesn't work for everyone because money is a necessity to live. Some of these jobs don't guarantee success and could cause you to live in poverty. With this, and my mother's discouragement, I gradually gave up my many far fetched dreams. I have to now settle for something less. I have no idea what I would like to do for the rest of my life. And the timespan of my choice is becoming smaller as I get older.
project 365
Saturday, November 19, 2011
[Project 365] Day 19: Hit the Lights

This is a design I did in my agenda for the name of Selena Gomez's new song, Hit the Lights. It was in progress at the time and I thought it was gorgeous how the light was shining on it after I came back from lunch. It is finished now, and I love how it turned out. I might post a picture of it soon, depending on the lighting of the day. I need a good white light. Anyways, I'm proud of my drawing and I love the song, even though it's somewhat of a controversy because Selena swears in the song. She's nineteen, I think she's old enough to know what's right from what's wrong.
Hit The Lights,
project 365,
Selena Gomez
[Project 365] Day 18: Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Valentino
This is the only designer item I have ever owned. And they're my Gucci glasses. I love the case they come in and the box. I keep them, because they're a memento of something really expensive. Anyways, I just wanted to share that I owned something that expensive.
[Project 365] Day 17: The Deathly Hallows
I absolutely adore Harry Potter. I plan on getting a tattoo right in that spot of the Deathly Hallows. I grew up with Harry Potter and watching a movie every year or every other year and reading the books as they came out. It was such an integral part of my life and now to see it over, is really quite sad. And so, I plan to commemmorate this with a Deathly Hallows tattoo, when I'm of age.
Deathly hallows,
Harry Potter,
project 365,
[Project 365] Day 16: It's Raining, It's Pouring
I had a super late meeting at school today, and it was raining outside. I love rain to an extent, but then it also tires me out ant puts me in a depressing mood. Rain gives life to the world and it gives me kind of a renewed energy. It's just beautiful. As always, Black and White always makes everything more dramatic.
black and white,
project 365,
[Project 365]Day 16: Ramen Ramen Ramen!
So I had Ramen for lunch today, after my tutor. I go out for lunch every Saturday now, because my tutor is in the morning, rather than the afternoon. I prefer it that way. I get to go out of the house and have awesome food. So this is my teppanyaki chicken ramen. The chicken is on the side, but the ramen was soooooooooo good. I loved it. :) I had it at a place called Ajisen Ramen. It is a chain, so there's a bunch of them. Yum. I drool over this picture's delciousness.
[Project 365] Day 15: Lest We Forget
Today was Remembrance Day and I was incredibly sad and emotionally a wreck today because of the assembly we had in the foyer for Remembrance. Lest we forget those who died to make the world what it is today and those who are still fighting for the freedom and liberty of others. It's an incredibly sad day and I feel that we should never forget them. They gave the world what we have now and some people don't even care. They're absorbed in their own life and forget about the sacrifices others have made for people they don't even know. It's saddening and heroic at the same time. Lest We Forget.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
[Project 365] Day 14: Don't Get Lippy With Me.
This is a picture of an old crusty lip gloss of mine. It's the first Mac Gloss I ever got. It's in the shade Enchantress and it was a sample. I loved it but it was never meant to be, because I ran out. I kept it. There's still some left in there, but I don't use it. I'm a sentimental person, which is why I keep stuff like this. I know eventually I'll have to throw it out, but for now, it'll stay in my lip gloss collection.
Lip gloss,
project 365,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
[Project 365] Day 13: Is My Grammar Right?
These are a pair of my favourite earrings. They're these massive question mark and exclamation point earrings. I got them off Yesasia and I love them. It's a pain to wear all day though. These earrings have gotten me so many compliments and it started me on my crazy earring collection. I love wacky earrings and not just the traditional hoops or studs. I like the creativity the earrings can portray.
[Project 365] Day 12: Starbucks, Anyone?
I went on a school trip for my Business course, and my friend and I basically got Starbucks when we had lunch. Mine is the closer one, a Peppermint Hot Chocolate. It was heavenly, by the way. And my friend got the Java Chip Frappucino. Yum. I had a taste of hers and it was delicous. Food is always a way to get my attention. Also, this was my first time having Starbucks so it was a good memory in general.
hot chocolate,
project 365,
[Project 365] Day 11: Aren't you Charming?
So this is my crappy ass phone again. And I love my cellphone charms. They all have bells on them, so it makes massive amounts of noise when I move. The rabbit one on the far left, is one I got from my Summer trip to Vancouver. It reminds me of the place. The middle one is a TokiDoki character. Tokidoki is one of my favourite brands,and unfortunately, expensive as well. They sold these cell phone charms at Borders, before they closed. And the far one on the right, is a beaded bell charm. It was a gift from one of my old best friends, that's no longer my best friend. She moved on to bigger and better things. Anyways, the point of this is to have tokens of memories and this also shows my personality.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
[Project 365] Day 10: Of Monumentous Occasions
Today is an incredibly special day. As you can see here,there is a picture of a Big Bang Poster and their Album. Today, they won the World Wide Act award on the MTV EMAs. Today is a monumentous occasion for Kpop, Big Bang, VIPs(their fans) and other Kpop fandoms around the world. For a kpop act to be recognized with an internatonally acclaimed award, is monumentous. I congratulate Big Bang and I congratulate the world for giving them a chance. They are an inspiration to me with their music. All in all, 111106 is a most important day.
Big Bang,
project 365
[Project 365] Day 9: We Live in A Galaxy Not Far From Yours
This is a Samsung Galaxy SII. Unfortunately, this isn't my phone.I still own a crappy pay as you go phone. I was borrowing this from my dad who was also testing it out. I found that I loved it, then again, I would love any smartphone at this point. Anyways. I went karaokeing today, but I forgot my camera so I didn't take any pictures. Instead, all you have is a picture of a phone.
[Project 365] Day 8: I'm Bleeding
This is a friend's pencil case that I took a picture of. The pens bleeded into the fabric so it caused that mixture of colours on the side. I thought that it was really pretty and it was kind of representative of the world. There are different colours and different personalities in the world and they all mix and intertwine with each other to create a society. Also, I just thought that it was cute because the pencil case is oozing creativity. The possibilities of artwork, words and creations that can be created with the utensils in the pencil case are endless.
pencil case,
project 365,
the world
[Project 365] Day 7: Am I pretty?
This is the beautiful packaging of the Great Lashes Mascara, Lots of Lashes edition. I bought it recently because it was mostly and impulse buy, like always. It's somewhat of an iconic brand over the years, this mascara has done extremely well and it makes a great impression on me with that sort of iconic-ness. Is that even a word? Anyways. That's Day 7.
impulse buy,
mini haul,
project 365
[Project 365] Day 6: We're All Stars
This is a picture of my friend's hand. I drew a star on the back of it. It was Career Day and we were learning about the different kinds of careers. I thought that no matter what job we ended up in, it was important for us to be doing what we wanted and something that would make us happy. As long as we're happy in our jobs, we would never work a day in our lives. That makes us all stars.
Friday, November 4, 2011
[Project 365] Update
Haa~ I'm not stopping the project, it's just I'm too lazy to upload them every day. That's why starting now, on weekends I'll upload the entire week's worth of photos. All in different posts of course~ :) STAY TUNED.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
[Project 365] Day 5: The Sun is Setting.
This is the view outside of my window. It's been edited though, so that's the yellow hue. The sun was setting and you can see the orange in the window on the right. I have a mesh over my window, so the camera would focus on the mesh. I think it gives a nice effect though. Another day is waning and another is rising. With every day comes a new palette to be given a new drive. A new drive is the same as new inspiration. It's important to constanly be inspired throughout a person's life.
project 365,
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